Three Tips For Meta Ads Success

Here are our top 3 Meta ad tips:

1. Use look-alike audiences. You can easily create a look-alike audience from a variety of sources including your current website visitors, current customer lists, current email list, and current social media followers. Meta will use that data to find more customers that look like your current audience. Look-alike audience outperform interest-based audiences every time!

2. Use the dynamic creative feature. Not sure what type of media your audience will prefer? No problem! With the creative dynamic feature you can give all your creative assets to Meta and they will serve the top-performing creative to your target audience. You can test different headlines, main text, and media. Just remember to test different elements at different times!

3. Always have a remarketing campaign live. Want to stay top-of-mind? Then you need to always have a remarketing campaign live on Meta. This means you can serve ads to anyone who's visited your Facebook Page or Instagram profile recently, people who've gone to your website, or been part of your email list. Reward their loyalty with special offers and discounts!

If you want to increase your sales through Meta ads we can support you with that. Head to our Digital Advertising page to apply to work with us.


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