The Wine Industry is Failing at Bringing Millennials to the Table

Let's get real, the wine industry is failing at bringing Millennials to their table. This year's report on the state of the wine industry from Silicon Valley Bank states it's biggest threat is the shrinking market as Boomers age out of being the largest consumers of wine and younger generations aren't closing the gap.

"Unless the industry does more to attract consumers younger than 65, wine consumption might drop by 20 percent when boomers sunset".

I think the problem is communication and marketing, or lack thereof. Wine is daunting for many Millennials and the industry has failed to meet Millennials where they are. We don't need gimmicks like the Barefoot Wine & Oreo Thins partnership.

We need authentic non-alienating conversations and marketing campaigns around wine. And wineries need to meet Millennials where they are. Embrace social media, embrace new technology, and use your platform as a wine expert to educate.

Are you going to take a 20% hit in revenue over the next few years or are you going to embrace a younger consumer?

If you need help navigating that space we need to chat!


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