The Importance of Brand Values

Let's talk about values and why they matter now more than ever when it comes to marketing.

As Boomers begin to retire they are on track to be replaced by younger generations who now have the largest share of buying power.

Millennials value uniqueness, ethical business practices, and sustainability over our status driven parents (sorry Boomers). To appeal to a younger crowd you should emphasize how your values align with theirs- but here's the catch, they really must align.

You can't preach diversity and inclusion without truly being a diverse organization. You can't state you believe in climate justice without actually having sustainable production practices. Millennials will see past a marketing gimmick, so you must nail down your authentic values and communicate them.

My client, Brothers Craft Brewing is just one of the businesses that I represent whose business practices are driven by their values. They source windmill power for the production of their beers because they believe in utilizing sustainable and clean energy sources. They also waste not, and all their spent grain is given to a local cattle farmer. When you drink with Brothers you can feel good about it’s minimal impact on the environment and maximum impact on the community.


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