How To Nail Your Next Photoshoot

Want to nail your next brand photoshoot?

Here are a few tips to kill it:

Get clear on how you'll be using these photos. Are they for social media, your website, or for a print ad? Knowing how you'll use these photos will help you plan the shots and eliminate stress the day of the shoot.

Plan, plan, plan. I typically spend a few days creating a mood board with notes on specific shots I'll need, called a shot list. You'll want to identify your locations and which products you'll highlight. Look below to see the mood board from my last photoshoot for Sealed With A Kiss.

Hire your talent. Now that you're clear on what shots you need you can hire the photographer, models, hair and makeup, and anyone else to help.

Schedule your photoshoot. I like to send out schedules to everyone involved in a photoshoot so they know how the day will flow.

Gather your props. Depending on your shot list you'll have a list of items you'd like to include in your shoot. Give yourself ample time to get these things so you're not scrambling the day of the shoot.

Bring your laptop. I've made the mistake of not having my laptop on-site and thought I was nailing the shots only to realize I had messed up the ISO settings or my autofocus was malfunctioning. Now I bring my laptop to every photoshoot and I check shots in between looks.

Have some fun! Photoshoots can be chaotic and stressful, but they can also be fun. If you've hired the right talent and planned ahead you're in good shape and it doesn't hurt to celebrate the end of a photoshoot with a glass of something bubbly! 🍾


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