Marketing To Millennials

According to 5W Public Relations’ 2020 Consumer Culture Report Millennials have now surpassed Baby Boomers as the nation’s largest living adult generation, and they are big spenders. The report found stated that Millennials are on track to spend $1.4 trillion. If you’re not marketing to Millennials, you should be. And their spending habits are radically different from past generations. The report also found that….

+ Millennials are most likely to splurge on luxury experiences and travel (like craft beer, local wine tours, and fine dining).

+ 94% of Millennials have clicked, shared, or bought a product they saw on Instagram.

+ Millennials are more impulsive when it comes to buying.

+ Millennials are more likely to buy products from seeing an ad on Facebook or Instagram.

Millennials are ripe for the picking. They’re easily influenced, looking to spend on luxury experiences, and they’re impulsive buyers. So why aren’t you marketing to them?


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