How Do You Vet a Digital Marketer or Agency?

Many digital marketing experts are self-taught and that's not necessarily a bad thing, I've also taught myself Facebook Advertising and Google Analytics with the help of professional courses. But when it comes to creating a comprehensive marketing strategy you really want to work with someone who either studied marketing or has worked in a high-level position on a marketing team.

I've heard so many horror stories of upstart marketers wasting client time and money. What's even more alarming is that when you work with a marketer you brand's image and reputation are in their hands.

Ways to make sure you're working with the real deal:

  • Check out their website, if they promise branding for you but their website looks like it's straight out of 2008 I would question their ability to deliver for you

  • Look at their client work, do they work with businesses similar to yours? What kind of case studies have they published? And lastly, check out socials for clients they represent.

  • Ask for references

  • Check out their leadership. What is their past experience? Do they have a degree in marketing?

  • When you're on the discovery call ask about their processes to make sure they're organized. They should know exactly what's needed for on-boarding you, and have a system for organizing their workflow. If they seem scatter-brained about how to answer that question they most likely don't have any structure which will result in a horrible experience for you.

    Email us for further questions or for advice.


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