What I’m thankful for…

This year has been a stressful one full of change and growth for me in both my personal life and my career. And I want to share a few things that I'm grateful for:

❤️First of all I'm grateful to my family for supporting me in my move back to Virginia, in my choice to start my own business and in allowing me to be me. I see you and love you!

🤝I'd also like to share my gratitude for my clients and business partners. I'm so happy you choose to work with me and are such amazing collaborators.

👫 👭And to my friends who have listened to me talk about this biz, have brainstormed with me and given me feedback. You guys rock and I'm so thankful for you!

🐶 😺Last and certainly not least I'm thankful to my pets who show me unconditional love and are just so damn cute.


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