Boosting an Ad vs. Building One

Every time I ask clients if they've done Facebook advertising and they always say, yes. Then I dig a little bit and find out they've just boosted a post.

So, what's the difference between a boosted post and an ad?

First of all, a boosted post is a type of ad, but you don't have to visit Facebook's Ad Manager to build it. When you boost a post you're limited in who you can reach, what goals you can optimize for, and what creative you can use. In a boosted post, you can't test different media or copy, and you can't use look-alike audiences.

When you create a campaign in Ads Manager your options for targeting, testing ad content, and placement are expanded. Facebook ads tend to have a bigger immediate impact and translate directly to campaign goals, like lead captures, app installations, and sales. Meanwhile, boosted posts tend to improve your brand’s social media engagement metrics and overall social presence.

So, are you guilty of just boosting a post?


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