Why You Need To Sell On Social Media!

Consumers are using social media to find and buy products now more than ever!

Most people struggle finding the perfect gifts for their loved ones during the holiday season. Small businesses and marketers can leverage this with discovery ads. According to polling from AdWeek, 45% of shoppers who purchased a product online last season said it was a gift for someone.

Online discovery of gifts is shifting more in the way of social media and personal recommendations- whether that means friends sharing about their favorite products or endorsements from influencers. Eighty percent of people polled by AdwWeek said that they used at least one social media app to find holiday gifts last year.

And more and more people are buying directly from Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest. Grand View Research estimated that money spent through social media accounted for 11% of total ecommerce revenue in 2020, and generated $474 billion in sales!

Don't you think it's time to get onboard the social media advertising train?

If you're ready, let's chat!


Where To Even Start?


Are You Ready For The Holidays?